Welcome to Belaba

Your Image Consultant specialised in Sustainability

"Personal Image is a powerful tool to develop your talents" Are you ready for a full personal improvement experience?

From Inside-Out

Your self-image is like a three-part Meccano: inner, body and outer image, and any change in one of them affects the whole. That's why I work from the inside-out, to create a positive alignment between the way you look and the way you feel.

Slow Approach

Sustainability is not only linked to the way we consume or care for the planet, but also to the way we live and care for ourselves. Personal transformation, of any kind, requires time and effort, that's why my services are adapted to your time, needs and the results you want to achieve. So, take your time and enjoy the process!

Holistic Impact

The image is like an open book, which at a glance tells about you, who you are, how you feel and how you relate to the environment. So it is not something superficial, but something much deeper, because it opens the door to your emotions and your uniqueness.

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Muotikonsultti Belaba

Sähköposti: info@belaba.fi

Kotisivut: https://www.belaba.fi

Puhelin: 0503799555

Osoite: Online or in person

Postinumero: 20100

Toimipaikka: Turku

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